Curug Cibaliung Beautiful Local Tourist Areas

For the sake of witnessing something beautiful and soothing, surely you do not mind if it should do more effort, is not it? Moreover, if something beautiful is actually quite close to the center of Jakarta.

No need to venture far into the interior, enough to Curug (waterfall) Cibaliung or often called waterfall Baliung in Sentul, Bogor, we've got a lot of things, such as adventure, trekking, spot a good photo, while enjoying the beauty and clarity of the water from waterfall or waterfall Cibaliung in Sentul, Bogor.

Location and Route to The Curug Cibaliung

Bogor natural tourist sites are located in Kampung wadung, Karangtengah Village, District Babakan Madang, Bogor. From Jakarta by private vehicle, please take jagorawi toll lanes, exit at the gate Sentul City, he went to the main road Jungle Land. Before the gates of Jungle Land please turn right toward the village, after meeting the fork you have to turn left towards Leuwi Hejo.

These attractions are in the tourist area of Curug Leuwi Hejo (Leuwi Ijo), which has several attractions such as Leuwi and waterfall, such as: Curug Leuwi Hejo, Curug Barong, Curug Leuwi Cipet, Curug Leuwi Lieuk, and Curug Cibaliung itself.

Including this Cibaliung waterfall. If the use of motor vehicles, until at this location you have to stop and leave your vehicle in the parking attendants there. No one is suggesting you park at the end position that is closer to the location of the waterfall so as to save power.

From here, you have to be prepared for trekking for approximately one to one and a half hours if you want to see the location of the waterfall Cibaliung. Terrain fluctuation may make you tired, but do not worry because there are a few stalls available if you want to rest.

Before getting to the location, you will pass Cipet Leuwi and Leuwi Lieuk. Take the right lane of Leuwi Lieuk, after 50 meters take the left lane. From here you get to the river that is part of the waterfall, you can follow the river for 20 to 30 minutes before you see the waterfall Cibaliung

Curug Cibaliung is the location of the deepest waterfall. Not many visitors who come to this location, resulting in arguably the cleanest natural location and more deserted. Very different from the waterfall Leuwi Hejo filled with visitors.

Its waterfall with limited but swift and clear. A river empties its turquoise water and is more noticeable in the summer. Down the river, it is a special privilege.

In addition to the clarity of the water, giant rocks around him along the eye could cause a sensation in itself, make us forget that we are not far from the city.

It is advisable not to visit this place during the rainy season, because of the trekking area very slippery so the risk of falling, but was also the anticipation of the coming flood.

We recommend that you leave early in the morning just after dawn so as not to get there too late, so that they can enjoy the view on the weather was not too hot, and then still light when I had returned to the same place, making travel more comfortable and secure. Because of the past when it was dark trekking area quite risky, especially for those who rarely or never done at all before this event.

Required peak physical condition to arrive at this place, so you should prepare your physical best. Do not let fatigue or illness while on a trip, especially if it has been entered trekking area.

Facilities at The Curug Cibaliung Bogor

Facilities are still very minimal acquired in this area, but quite helpful, such as driving directions placed by residents, parking area and several stalls along the way to the waterfall Cibaliung. Storage facilities, showers and a locker provided in Leuwi Hejo so you can prepare before traveling to Curug Cibaliung

The need for better management so that there is no person in the name of the people or the manager who could get interesting additional tariffs of visitors, and the necessary repairs and the procurement of additional facilities such as toilets and bathrooms, where waste bins so that visitors not littering, and repair access roads, making it easier and provide comfort and security for visitors