Tour : The Secret Anne Frank House

Secret annex is a building that Anne Frank uses with his family hiding from the Nazis. For fans of World War II history would have been familiar with Anne Frank. Secret Annex it is now a museum called Anne Frank Huis (Anne Frank House) who never deserted visitors.

 Beautiful Inside The Anne Frank House

Anne Frank is a German who moved with his family to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, shortly after the appointment of Hitler as chancellor. As a Jewish family they are threatened with the dictator's program of ethnic cleansing other than the Aryan race. Anne's father, Otto Frank, brought his entire family into hiding after his eldest son, Margot, got a summons to the concentration camp. They moved to a building in Prinsengracht 263, where Otto also built a business there. Not only the Franks, they also hid with relatives of the family of Van Pels and Fritz Pfeffer. While in hiding they were assisted by Otto Frank's trust employees.

For two years Anne was in hiding and during that time she wrote a journal about her feelings as a teenager in hiding. The hidden structure called the secret annex is located behind a shelf of books that can shift. In August 1944, a worker reported their whereabouts and was eventually raided and taken to a concentration camp by the Gestapo. Only Otto Frank survived, then published his beloved daughter's diary. Anne Frank diary books became a best seller in all parts of the world.

The Anne Frank House Full of Mystery

Now even though the rooms at Anne Frank House are empty, but the atmosphere of that dark period still feels. Excerpts from diaries, historic documents, photographs, movie posters, and other original objects in the building are still well preserved. We can also see Anne Frank's original diary book and in the multimedia room visitors can access info about the residents of the secret annex. Since it first opened in 1960, Anne Frank House has attracted a lot of visitor interest. Throughout the year 2013 recorded as many as 1,195,456 people visited this historic building. In 1998, Anne Frank Zentrum opened in Berlin, working directly with Anne Frank House Amsterdam.

Charming Room The Anne Frank House

The house of Anne Frank can be visited daily from April to October at 09.00 - 21.00, special Sundays and during July - August the museum is open until 22:00. While in November to March, Anne Frank House every day is only open from 09:00 to 19:00.