Grandeur Janjang Koto Gadang for Travelers

Janjang Koto Gadang is cheap to travel solutions for travelers who want to see the grandeur of the Great Wall in China. No need to come all the way to the bamboo curtain. Quite booked a plane ticket to West Sumatra and traveled to the city Bukit Tinggi.

Janjang Koto Tower is often referred to as the Great Wall of China belongs to Indonesia. The grandeur of the building is certainly far less when compared with the original Great Wall of China. Even so, the atmosphere when visiting this place will not be inferior compared to if it comes directly to the Great Wall of China.

Janjang Koto Padang building Attraction is shaped in the style of the Great Wall with a length of 'only' 1 kilometer. The traveler who wants to visit this place can be entered through two gates that were, each in Bukittinggi and Agam. For entrance in London, where he is not far from the Japanese Tunnel Bukittinggi.
History Janjang Koto Gadang

Formerly, the Janjang Koto Gadang is not like the current state. By the surrounding community, called by the name Janjang Saribu or Thousand Stairs. But the government had the initiative to create a more attractive Saribu Janjang so much visited by tourists.

Janjang Saribu also faces made such that it has a form very similar to the Great Wall of China. On the right side of the bunch, built a thick wall that increasingly makes it similar to one of the wonders of the world.

Location Janjang Koto Gadang

Janjang Koto Tower is located at the canyon Sianok kawasang, Bukittinggi, located approximately 90 kilometers from the city of Padang. A visit to the Great Wall of Koto Tower is, the traveler can feel the natural atmosphere in the canyon Sianok. Moreover, here the visitor can exercise all across the pedestrian path that has a length of approximately 1000 this step.

1000 Janjang are the thousands of stairs up and down around Sianok Canyon. This ladder is used by locals as a general road towards one village to another and the road to Batang Sianok at the bottom of the valley. Janjang Sianok canyon scenery around 1000 actually no less good from Panorama Park (where tourists usually see Sianok canyon), but when it Janjang 1000 is still less popular than other attractions. Fortunately Local authorities are quite creative and one thousand long and slender lines transformed into the Great Wall (Great Wall) Ala West Sumatra. Since the renovation, the pulse in the bunch thousand began crowded by tourists, not only domestic and even foreign tourists as well

The view that can be seen on the Janjang Koto Tower is indeed amazing. From the top of the building, the traveler can witness the existence of the green valley. Moreover, under the Great Wall is also a tributary streams meander. Viewed from a height of 200 meters, the landscape will look very impressive.

Route to Janjang Koto Gadang

As a tourist destination which is now widely known as one of the icons Minang, Janjang Koto Gadang access to the Tower is not too difficult. The journey from the city of Padang to this place can be reached within about 3 hours drive. Its location close to the Japanese Tunnel also make it more attractive place for tourists. So, could well feel the horror in the history of the Japanese Tunnel tourist destinations.
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