Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja Travel Wonderland!

One of the famous tourist spots in the province of North Sumatra is Lake Toba. However, in this province there are still places that must travel to the visit and its existence has not been so much in the know. His name is the Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja is located in the village of Dolok Tinggi Raja, District Silau Kahean, which was at the end corners of Simalungun, North Sumatra. Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja landless craters which are approximately 4 hectares.

If the searcher wants to visit the Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja, then there are three routes that can be searchers go to reach the location.

The first route, Medan - Lubukpakam - Galang - Dolok King High. The second route, namely Medan - Lubukpakam - Tebing Tinggi - Dolok Merawan - Dolok High King. And the third, namely Medan - Lubukpakam - Galang - Bangun Purba - Dolok High King.

The searcher can take tourist Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja with two-wheeled vehicles and four-wheel vehicles. All the service has almost the same mileage is about 90 kilometers to the travel time required from Medan, about 3.5 hours drive.

Tourist attractions Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja offers a view that is breathtaking. Unfortunately, this places not well explored. Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja was in the middle of the forest tall trees, making this place yet widely known. The searchers will be created amazed by the charm of the beauty of the limestone hills along the flow of hot water to resemble snow.

The hot springs in the Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja reach temperatures of up to about 90 degrees Celsius. The hot springs originate from the hill - a small hill located in the tourist area. The flow of hot water flowing between rocks limestone staircase steps, this incident made the rock becomes white as snow. And even some tourists refer to as Snow Heat.

Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja, there are two places to searchers visit. The first place is a limestone hill traversed by the flow of hot water so as to make these stones into beautiful eyes, there is also the beauty of the natural carpet formed from mossy river flow that bypassed the hot water makes these rocks as a whitish green carpet.

In addition, the above there is also a natural pond which has an area not so great that emit hot springs bubbling from the bottom of the pool visible, which of course, visitors are prohibited from bathing in that area. The flow of hot water through the bushes and trees that dries gathered together to form a blue-green lake is very beautiful.

The second place was situated under a cliff. And here searchers can enjoy its beauty or even searchers can shower, though. Here there is cool streams and waterfalls flowing from the hill above that make this place as a destination for tourists to just soak. These hot springs are believed to contain sulfur which is good for skin health when used for bathing or just to wash the limbs. And he said even if the bath where they can cure various skin diseases.

Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja of yet there are good hotel accommodation facilities as well as inns. This is because the place is secluded and away from urban areas. Also in these places, there are stalls of food vendors. Therefore, if the searcher wants to visit the Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja searchers would be nice to bring food and beverages.

In addition to the provision of food and drinks, the searchers must also not forget to bring a variety of travel needs like sunblock, protective headgear, masks, and other personal needs. A very fitting time to pay a visit to the Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja is in January - August. This is because the month in Sumatra enters the dry season so as to make the road to be traversed more easily. If searchers visit the Kawah Putih Tinggi Raja still preserve the environment so by not littering and also does not damage the existing facilities

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