Aek Sijornih Natural Beauty

Niagara Aek Sijornih consists of two mini waterfall that staircase steps. In contrast to the generally high waterfall slender and upright, a second waterfall is located on the terrain slop / tilt on the ground with chalk content. Water spilled was wide to the left and right side, terraced. Aek Sijornih means clear water. In rainy or dry season, the waterfall is always always clear.

This waterfall has a height of 10 m prominence and surrounded by palm trees around there are even growing in the middle of the waterfall.

In the flow of the waterfall first (left) is allowed to flow in the form of small trenches. While those on the right (greater flow) accommodated in artificial ponds for bathing. The pools are divided in two. Some are large, some small. The small one is made with a depth of half a meter for children, while the large with a depth of more than one meter for adults. From the adult pool, visitors can climb to the top trace stream and can choose a comfortable place.

The second source of this waterfall comes from springs hills surrounding the District of Batang Angkola and Vegetable Matinggi. That said, in the rainy season, water sources containing chalk hills were never cloudy. Being in the dry season, the water actually increased precipitation


Located in the village of Aek Libung, District Vegetable Matinggi, South Tapanuli, North Sumatra Province.


Located approximately + 35 km east of Mulberry. It takes about 2 hours drive. or about 380 km from Medan with a travel time of about 12 hours. Can be reached by private or public vehicles include motor tricycles, public transportation, minibuses and buses trajectory eastern Sumatra for approximately one hour from the city of Mulberry. Aside from Medan can also be accessed from Padang and Pekanbaru with the same travel time from Medan.

For those who use public transport from Padangsidempuan riding public transit numbered 02 to Terminal Pal IV for about Rp 3000. Between then changed its public transportation with the cost of Rp 10,000 or minivans Aek Manis (L300) and it costs around Rp 5,000.

Tickets and parking

Entrance ticket is Rp 10,000 / person, and the parking fee of Rp 5,000 for two-wheeled vehicles.

Facilities and Accommodation

Facilities available include a prayer room, toilet, dressing room and a few huts or shacks for the rest of visitors can be found in the area. At the bottom of the huts, there are small pools contain some fish that was deliberately placed there. According to the owner, in addition to rest in the hut, visitors can order a fish fry at once. Also some places snacks are available around the pool.

There is a wooden suspension bridge with a length of about 25 m down the tracks only about half a meter, transverse splitting Angkola Batang (River Angkola). The suspension bridge is the entrance to the waterfall above.

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