Amazing Linting Lake for Best Visited

North Sumatra not only has the beauty of Lake Toba is famous to many places. This area also has Lake Linting no less admirable. The water was calm, green and clean. Make delirious

North Sumatra was not only to have Lake Toba is famous as the world's largest volcanic lake. Sumatra also save a lot of tourist locations other than Lake Toba is breathtaking and certainly deserves to be explored.

Linting lake is one of the tourist charms in North Sumatra. The lake is located in three villages namely Sibunga-Bunga Village, the Village of Mount Manumpak and Durian IV Mbelang, District Sinembah Tanjung Muda (STM) Upstream, Deli Serdang regency.

To get to the lake Linting, visitors can use public transport from Medan Amplas terminal at a cost of about Rp20,000 per person. However, it would be better if you use a private vehicle either car or motorcycle.

A distance of about 70 kilometers, the lake Linting taken about two hours drive from Medan through Delitua and Patumbak, Deli Serdang. Along the road to the lake Linting, cool scenery oil palm, rubber and cocoa spread out on the left and right of the road.

Although drivable with four wheels, the road to the lake Linting quite alarming. Access road with a width of two meters was rocky and muddy. Just a few kilometers the road to the last village that is still asphalted.

Entering the Village area Sibunga-interest, no sign of the lake. There is only a signpost bearing the lake Linting roadside. From the main road, towards Lake Linting have to climb through the muddy cobbled streets of the flow of warm water of Lake Linting.

The entrance to Lake Linting guarded and visitors charged at Rp 3,000 per person. When entering Linting Lake neighborhood, visitors are immediately treated by the beautiful view of the lake and trees around.

Lake Linting Deliserdang Sumatra

Indeed, this has not been famous lakes like Lake Toba. However, the natural beauty of Lake Linting feasible to enjoy the beauty of nature lovers.

Lake area of ​​approximately one hectare was turquoise, but some say that the lake was blue-green. Hot water lake that does not smell of sulfur. However, the water of Lake Linting if sampled still feels sulfur.

On the banks of the lake, there is a banyan trees large and small made around the lake was cool to hang out with family. The lake is turquoise allegedly because its depth is deep enough.

Until now, the depths of Lake Linting still a mystery. Some traders around Lake Linting states there has never been official data depth of the lake.

Never some time ago, a foreign researcher to measure the depth of the lake by hand. He had already spent three loops along the 100 meters has not yet touched the bottom of the lake. Communities around the suspect, Linting lake shaped like a very deep well.

Therefore, if a visitor tries to swim in the lake is always important for people not to the middle of the lake. Because, in this lake several times a visitor drowning incidents occur. However, if just soaking in the edge of the lake, visitors can feel the relaxation of hot water of about 30 degrees Celsius.

In addition to the depth of the lake, the story of the formation of the lake is also still unclear. The local community store mythical stories circulating by word of mouth. Volcanic lake is told in advance only a mound hill and then in a moment shook and there was an explosion so as to make a water-filled basin. Linting lake formed.

Only about two years Linting lake visited by tourists. Previous locals did not dare to swim in this lake. They did not dare to approach the area of ​​the lake. Up to now there is no scientific reference that examines the formation of this lake.

Around the lake, local people selling food and soft drinks at an affordable price. They kindly also offer visitors mat for rent at a price of Rp 10,000-Rp 20,000 depending on the size.

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