Pisa Tower : A trip to One of The Seven Wonders of The World

Imperfection Being A Miracle Story

Pisa tower is a leaning tower located in Italy. Currently the tower became one of the seven wonders of the world because of the slope of the building. Everyone who visited Italy almost certainly not forget to visit the tower on this one
But that raises the attractiveness of the tower was actually originated from imperfections. At first, of course, is not deliberately constructed tower tilted as it is today. It turned out that the construction of the tower's total takes almost 4 centuries.

At the beginning of the construction of this tower designed built up like buildings - other buildings. However, when the process of development goes there is a problem of the land on which the building stands was not strong to accept the burden of this building. Because the building was built on sandy soil. Finally made the building tilted to one side. And this makes the construction process is stopped for a long period of approximately 100 years.

After a long time the building is left, came the idea to resume construction. Various attempts were made to restore this building and strengthening the existing soil underneath. However, until now the building is unique because its slope. Already more than eight centuries the building is still standing, although in sloping conditions. Not only unique, but the slope of the building was once used by scientists fairly illustrious Italian origin, namely Galileo. Galileo did an experiment by dropping objects from the tower was to prove the theory of gravity.

There are lessons to be learned from this Pisa tower. This tower could become one of the seven wonders of the world and well known throughout the world precisely because of his imperfection.

In life, many people who complain a little imperfection, but on the other hand, there are also people with limitations and imperfections are actually able to become a better person physically perfect. Even people who have often complained of perfection is precisely what - what is in the vicinity.

Of course we know a Beethoven. He is a musician whose work has been widely recognized and become the most legendary musicians in history. His expertise in assembling the tone in his work to make many people amazed.

But it turns out that Beethoven was a man who could not hear alias deaf. Then how he can string tone a beautiful tone to produce a masterpiece. That his, physical limitations often make people limited in terms of work, hopes, ideals

Actually, that makes the limited is the limits made the mind. As perfect as any physical, facility, if the mind is limiting the potential of mind will look for find a reason for us to stop. But if an open mind though, as difficult it must be a way out of every problem.

History Pisa Tower

Leaning Tower of Pisa (in Italian: Torre pendente DI Pisa) or commonly known as The Tower of Pisa (La Torre DI Pisa) is the bell tower of a cathedral in the city of Pisa, Italy. The tower is located behind the cathedral and is the third structure in the Campo dei Miracoli (miracle) Pisa

Although the original plan was built vertically, the tower began leaning to the southeast soon after construction in 1173, due to imperfect foundation.

The height of the tower is 55.86 km on the ground on the lowest side and 56.70 m on the highest side. The width at the base is 4.09 m wide and its height is 2.48 m. The weight of the tower is estimated at 14,500 tons and has 294 steps.

Construction of the Tower of Pisa was built in three stages, which takes about 200 years. Construction of white marble on the first floor began on August 9, 1173, in the period of military success and prosperity of Italy. The first floor is surrounded by pillars and although some skew, but still hold for centuries.

There is controversy about the identity of the architect who built the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Over the years, the design is believed to be made by Guglielmo and Bonanno Pisano, a local artist famous in the 12th century, famous for his bronze works, particularly his work on the Pisa Duomo.

Bonanno Pisano left Pisa in 1185 and moved to Monreale, Sicilia, but then come back and die in his homeland. His tomb was found at the base of the tower in 1820.

The tower was first tilted after the third floor was built in 1178, due to the collapse of the foundations as deep as three meters, due to ground movement. This means that the design of the tower has been flawed from the beginning.

Construction halted for nearly a century, because the Pisans were almost continually engaged in battles with Genoa, Lucca and Florence. During the period of the 'break' this, the ground beneath the structure has been stabilized. In 1198, clocks were temporarily installed on the unfinished building it.

In 1272, the building was resumed by Giovanni DI Simone, architect of the Camposanto. The fourth floor was built to compensate for the slope of the tower. The rebuilding was stopped in 1284, when Pisa was conquered by Genoa in the Battle of Meloria.

Construction of the bell tower is not finished stalled until 1372. After that, Tommaso DI Andrea Pisano successfully completes the Gothic elements of the tower, with the Romanesque style. There are seven bells in the tower, each of which represents not the tone. The bells were installed in 1655.

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